If your business, group or association is hosting an event in or around Kingman, please submit it to our calendar!
Events will be moderated:
Note - We generally do not publish the following:
If your event occurs regularly on particular days of the week enter the final end date below, check the 'Recurring' box and select the appropriate days.
If you run into any issues or questions submitting your event, call us at 718.2583!
Community events create a positive impact for the community, our quality of life, and for the experience of our traveling guests. Although planning an event is a process and takes time to go through the proper permitting, it is relatively straight forward and easy to do. Supportive staff at each respective department or agency can be very helpful in guiding you through all of the necessary steps, so if you are unsure about anything – just ask!
Bear in mind that there may be additional permits to secure, such as sign permits and releases by private land-owners. As you begin the application process, work with the respective agency / department to help figure out what permits you need to make your special event a success.
When you need a permit: If you answer yes to any of the following questions, a special event permit is required.
Deadline: Applications must be received a minimum of 45 days before the event for a non-street closure and 90 days before the event for a street closure.
Filing fee: $50.00 for non-street closure or $100.00 for a street closure. The application fee is non-refundable.
Contact: City Clerk’s Office, 928.753.8102
Mohave County Special Event Permit Application direct link (revised August 2013)
When you need a permit: This permit applies to any public or private activity sponsored by a structured, formal organization planned for and conducted with Mohave County rights-of-way.
Deadline: This permit application must be submitted no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the first day of the event to provide for review time and potential scheduling for Mohave County Board of Supervisors consideration and approval.
Filing Fees: $50, the application fee is non-refundable.
Mohave County Public Works
3715 Sunshine Dr.
Kingman, AZ 86401
When you need a permit: This permit applies to any temporary, organized or supervised activity that 1- could affect the normal operation of a state highway or 2- uses or occupies any state highway right-of-way, facilities or property belonging to the state.
Deadline: Submit an application for a special event to the respective ADOT district’s permit office sixty (60) days prior to the scheduled event.
Filing Fees: There are no permit filing fees.
Anthony Martinez , Permits Supervisor
ADOT Kingman District Office
3660 E. Andy Devine Ave.
Kingman, AZ 86401
928. 681.6019
Page with Permit Information and links
Special Recreation Permit direct link (revised August 2011)
When you need a permit: A Special Recreation Permit may apply if any of the following are true for an activity that involves BLM lands: a fee is charged; money will be made on the event or there is a fee to cover expenses; there will be a competition; the activity/event will be advertised; you will mark a course; vehicles are expected at the activity/event.
Deadline: Applications should be submitted 180 days prior to the event or activity for processing. In some circumstances, an application may require more than 180 days to complete. Be sure to contact your local BLM field office for additional information.
Filling Fees: The initial minimum commercial use permit fee is $100.00 and must be prepaid before authorization; thereafter the annual fee is a minimum of $100.00 or 3 percent of gross receipts, whichever is greater. For competitive events and organized group events, there is a per-day participant fee of $5.00 per person, or the minimum fee of $100.00, whichever is greater. All fees are nonrefundable.
Kingman Field Office
2755 Mission Boulevard
Kingman, AZ 86401-5308
928. 718.3700