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2014 International Route 66 Festival

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In August of 2014, the International Route 66 Festival will once again come to Arizona! First officially announced at the 2013 Festival in Joplin, Kingman has been speculated as the host of the 2014 event for several months. And rightfully so, Arizona is home to the longest remaining stretch of Historic Route 66 - 157 miles of it – and Kingman lies at the heart of the 157 mile journey.

The Festival will be held from Wedneday August 13 to Sunday August 17,2014. More information on the event will be released as details unfold.

If you are interested in attending and would like to be kept in the loop, send an email to josh@gokingman. com and we will keep you informed – and we promise not to put your contact info on any other email lists or share it with anyone else.

If you live in the Kingman area, and would like to be involved, please call (928-753-6106) or email us just the same! We we could use your help to put on a successful event.

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