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How to Save Time and Money While Traveling around Kingman

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Five Inexpensive Places You Should Visit

Some of the highlights of the Kingman area that you should definitely consider "don't miss" include:

  1. Historic Route 66: This route has been "officially decommissioned" by the government but the longest remaining stretch of Route 66 goes right through Kingman on its 157 miles between Topock, Arizona and Ashfork. This year the International Route 66 Festival will take place in Kingman from August 14-17. You can explore the Arizona Route 66 Museum in Kingman on Andy Devine Avenue any time. It is housed in the historic Powerhouse building which once supplied power to the surrounding towns and mines.

  2. Guns, Gold & Ghosts Tours will take you through historic downtown Kingman with particular emphasis on gold, guns and tell ghost tales of some residents who never left. This tour is only $8.00 per adult or $25.00 for the whole family. Historic downtown Kingman also has many sights and building on the National Registry of Historic Places. You can pick up a walking tour guide at the Museum and take a look behind the scenes of this historic town.

  3. Hoover Dam: Only 70 miles northwest of Kingman are Hoover Dam Visitor Center and the Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. Construction of Hoover Dam started under Herbert Hoover's presidency and was finished under Roosevelt's. It was built in the midst of the Great Depression. At the time, it was the largest, tallest dam in the world, you can get a fantastic view of the Dam from a walk-way on the Memorial Bridge. You will learn some amazing facts and see some unique artworks at the Dam's visitor center.

  4. Stetson Winery: This very reasonably priced vineyard and event venue is home to a huge event center, popular for weddings and other large gatherings. It offers tours and wine tasting for only $5.00. It is 24 miles north and only about 40 minutes from Kingman, southwest of the Grand Canyon National Park, just off Historic Route 66. You can tour the vineyard, taste seven wines and enjoy entertainment most Sunday afternoons. If you decide to buy any of these unique wines, your $5.00 goes toward the cost of your wine.

  5. Grand Canyon National Park Village: This is one of the most dramatic and inspiring parks anywhere on earth. Formed by unique combinations of geologic erosion caused by of the Colorado River, the canyon itself is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and one mile deep. To get there from Kingman, take I-40 east to Williams, or drive scenic Route 66 which converges with I-40 about 20 miles west of Williams. From Williams, take Highway 64 north to the National Park. Total distance is 172 miles via I-40,186 miles via Route 66 and will take 3 – 3 ½ hours driving time, depending on your route.

  6. There are many other worthwhile attractions around Kingman to visit. Enjoy all there is to see here!

Six Time and Money Savers Before You Go

  1. Dig around the Internet to see what savings you can come up with for the places you plan to visit. There are many cost saving sites like Trip Advisor, which highlight some of the spots and can tip you off to ways to save. If you are visiting any National Parks, get your visitor passes at their website or at the first one you visit.

  2. Get a Gas Price Locator for your Smart Phone: This is a time saver and money saver and very easy to find. It will help you find the nearest gas stations as well as compare prices.

  3. Look up restaurant coupons for your favorite restaurants and either print them out or send to your smart phone to use them on the road.

  4. Check out FourSquare - which also features discount coupons for some restaurants, shops and hotels and other places you may want to visit.

  5. Find the best weather app for your phone and plug into it the locations you will be visiting so you can know the weather forecast before you go.

  6. Get a good GPS app for your smart phone. Consider WAZE Social GPS Maps & Traffic that includes community based mapping, traffic and navigation in one application.

Seven Essentials to Take With You

  1. Phone, laptop, tablets, and chargers for each appliance.

  2. Kids' toys, games, books, DVD's, pillows, and blankets.

  3. Plenty of snacks for the road: apples, cheese, protein or energy bars, and lots of water in a cooler to keep it cold.

  4. Extra batteries, oil, water, fuses, duct tape, tools and emergency bulbs, etc. for your vehicle.

  5. A first aid kit and any medications that you or your family may need to take along with you.

  6. Pet supplies if you are traveling with your favorite animals. And make sure you don't leave your four-footed friends in a hot car. Pets need lots of fresh air and exercise so consider first if it is smart to bring Fido along on this journey. Would it be kinder to let him have a break at the local Pet Spa at home while you are away?

  7. Appropriate clothing for the weather and always plan for unexpected rain. Bring the umbrella.

Wherever you decide to visit around Kingman, you will certainly have a lot of fun and save money and time by taking the time to plan!

About the Author: Joe Laing is the Marketing Director for El Monte RV, a nationwide RV rental company.

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