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National Plan for Vacation Day


Happy National Plan for Vacation Day!

Here are some of our most exciting events to consider adding to your 2022 road trip(s)!

Stop by Kingman, the Heart of Historic Route 66

33rd Annual Fun Run – Celebrate the "Mother Road” at Fun Run 2022! A 3-Day cruise and celebration honoring Historic Route 66! Roughly Eight to Nine Hundred Show Cars cruise down the longest stretch of Route 66 left with stops and events all along the way. Saturday morning the Fun Run leaves Seligman, Arizona and convoys to Historic Downtown Kingman. The cars descend on Downtown Kingman around the noonish hour and becomes a massive Car Show and Festival the likes you will not soon forget! For more information visit www66funrun. com. Register here.


44th Annual Kingman Festival of the Arts – Also known as the Mother's Day Festival, this weekend event will take place on May 7th and 8th, 2022 at Metcalfe and Locomotive Parks in historic downtown Kingman. Saturday, 10am - 5pm. Sunday, 10am - 4pm. Artists, crafters, music, dance, theater, food, drink, and other vendors will be there! Admission is free to the public. This long-running annual event is fun for all! Be sure to get the mothers in your life a locally hand-made gift to make up for the last-minute one you bought from the grocery store!!! The Kingman Festival of the Arts is a fundraising event for the Kingman Route 66 Rotary Club Foundation. Proceeds from the event help fund and support our local community and international service projects. For more information visit here.


National Road Trip Day Block Party – Kingman will host the proclamation of the very first National Day Calendar’s National Road Trip Day on Friday, May 27,2022! The event will have live music, a car show, vendors, and the unveiling of a new Historic Downtown virtual guided tour. Don’t miss out on this kick-off of Memorial Day Weekend and #celebrateeveryday! For more information visit here.


Kingsmen PRCA Rodeo – Two days of Pro-Rodeo action for the whole family to enjoy Saturday, June 11th and Sunday, June 12th! The "Kingsmen" are a group of local businessmen dedicated to the preservation of the area's ranching and rodeo western heritage. Saturday night a barn dance with live music follows the rodeo. Visit kingsmenrodeo. org/tickets/ to purchase tickets. For more information call Brian Demaria at 928-530-7171, email kingsmenrodeo@yahoo. com, or visit the Andy Devine Days Rodeo website.  


GCPRA Rodeo – Two days of Pro-Rodeo action for the whole family to enjoy! Friday, September 23rd, gates open at 4 pm and Rodeo starts at 6 pm. Keep your ticket stubs and enjoy the outdoor post Rodeo Dance planned to run till midnight! Saturday, September 24th, Slack starts at 9am. Gates then re-open at 2 pm and Rodeo starts at 4 pm. For more information call Brian Demaria at 928-530-7171, email kingsmenrodeo@yahoo. com, or visit the Andy Devine Days Rodeo website.


Kingman 66 Fest – The 2nd Annual 66 Fest will be hosted in Lewis Kingman Park at 2201 E Andy Devine Ave on October 14th & 15th. The 8.5-acre park has plenty of grass and shade from old growth trees. Just southwest to the park is a 5.5-acre field that will be dedicated to event parking. A portion of Andy Devine Ave (aka Route 66) will be closed off to accommodate automotive events. There will be many vendors, a car show, a motorcycle show, live music, train rides, a zip line, escape rooms, AND SO MUCH MORE!!! We’ll be celebrating everything that is Route 66! Our goal is to make it a bigger and better event every year so that by the centennial year in 2026, it’s one of the top 10 Route 66 events in the country! For more information visit kingman66fest. com


Route 66 Street Drags – The Kingman Rt. 66 Street drags is as unique an event as there can be. They will be closing down Rt 66/Andy Devine in the middle of Kingman, AZ, for this 3-day event! They’ll hold the 1/8 mile drag race right down the middle of Ol’ 66! There will be a full timing system, with reaction times, 60’ times, 330’ times, 1/8-mile times and speed. This is as real of a “street race” as you can have! The difference is there will be all the safety equipment in place that you would find at a “purpose built” track. Plus, it’s legal!! They have a City permit to conduct this annual event. But don’t kid yourself, it is still a street race! And if you want to win this race, you're going to have to be the person who can get down this street the fastest! There will be three days of drag racing – October, 2022 (dates TBD). For more information visit www. kingmanrt66streetdrags. com.


The Very Merry ‘Street of Lights’ Parade – Like many other traditions transformed by the pandemic, the Kingman Downtown Merchants Association’s annual parade turned upside down in 2020 and the recreation took hold to continue in the same fashion this year. Lights will feature a stationary display of floats and vehicles lined up on Beale Street in our Historic Downtown from 5th St to Grandview. We well have drive-by and sidewalk avenues open to spectators to view the procession- no charge. Additionally, Santa has indicated that he will be there! The parade route includes driving lanes and walking paths on sidewalk for those who want to take it slow. For more information, contact kingmandowntownmerchantsassoc@gmail. com, call 928-279-8448, or visit kingmandowntownmerchantsassociation. com.

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