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Hackberry General Store

Originally operated by the Route 66 artist Bob Waldmire who traveled the road in his orange 1972 Volkswagen Microbus, the Hackberry General Store is a favored stop among travelers of Old 66. Bob was the unofficial inspiration of Fillmore in the Disney/Pixar movie Cars.

Photo ops abound around Hackberry; a rustic store front, the tin-can billboard, nostalgic gas pumps, craggily mountain faces, old blacktop and scenic vistas. Hackberry is a microcosm of Route 66.

Click here for an article about the Hackberry General Store featured in the Travel secion of USA Today on April 20,2018.

11255 E Hwy 66

9am - 6pm, Spring & Summer hours

9am - 5pm, Fall & Winter hours

Attraction Category
Historic Sites / Museums

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