The Route 66 Fun Run has been postponed another year. While we understand why it’s still too soon for many travelers to attend car shows and large gatherings, we’ve also heard from so many of you who don’t want to miss out on the Route 66 Drive experience this spring. To celebrate the open road and experience a little normalcy of the good ol’ days, the City of Kingman will be setting up a Route 66 Drive Thru Arch at Lewis Kingman Park.
Between 12pm (noon) and 4pm on Friday April 30 and Saturday May 1, Route 66 enthusiasts are welcome to drive thru Lewis Kingman Park, located on Andy Devine Avenue (aka Route 66), and get their pictures taken under the Route 66 Drive Thru Arch. Kingman Office of Tourism staff will be on site taking pictures that we’ll make available through Dropbox at a later date. More details to follow.
The pathway thru Lewis Kingman Park will be one way only both days, with cars entering from Andy Devine Avenue on the northeast entrance, and exiting on the southwest. The Route 66 Drive Thru at Lewis Kingman Park is not an actual event, there will be no entertainment or space for a car show (or even parking for that matter), but we hope you join us for a quick pic on 66!