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Pitchfork Farmer's Market
Our theme for every single Sunday in July will be PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! Because we operate on a very positive mindset, we want to celebrate America's independence all month long! So, our first Sunday, on July 3rd, we'll be kicking off the day with Sounds by Monica & Carlos. This sister & brother duo will be playing guitar/violin and singing a variety of music. You will NOT want to miss this treat! We're thrilled and blessed to have them. We'll have a full house of over 45 fabulous small business vendors, and an entire room of antiques, art deco, retro kitchenware, glassware, kettle corn, salt/pepper shakers, furniture, you name it by Off the Flor Decor & More! All inside a climate-controlled environment. Order lunch from one of our excellent food trucks and dine at our available seating in front of Beale Celebrations! As always, Pitchfork Market is a free event and we can't wait to see you!
Located at 201 N 4th St. | Call 623.249.1157 for more information. | Event is 10am to 3pm.