With three rings of affordable family fun, "The Shrine Circus" will thrill fans of all ages. Come see the death-defying aerial acts, animal attractions including tigers and elephants. In addition to the performing acts, kids will have the unique opportunity to ride and pet different types of animals.
At the Mohave County Fairgrounds (2600 Fairgrounds Blvd.) in Kingman.
From 7:30pm until 9:30pm.
Adults $18 Children $14 Family Packs $30
For more information call: 702-456-2642 or email to: esteban@thejordanworldcircus.com
Purchase tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/shrine-circus-2017-kingman-az-tickets-38979108563?aff=efbevent
Or you can purchase tickets at the gate.