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7 Notable Sites to Visit in Kingman

7 Notable Sites to Visit in Kingman, AZ Every History Buff Must Visit

Kingman, Arizona should be in any history buff’s bucket list of must-see places. This historic town is located smack in the middle of major travel routes since it was founded. From its founding as a small train stopover to the famous Route 66, Kingman remains at the center of culture and history in Mohave County.

During the course of history, Kingman saw major developments after it saw more mining and ranching activities in the area during the 1800s. The 1920s saw another major boom in the city as travelers from Route 66 came rushing in. The further cemented Kingman as a major must-see for travelers and tourists.

If you love history and a bit of adventure, here are things you should definitely not miss when you visit Kingman Arizona.

White Cliffs Wagon Trail

Back in the day, Kingman experienced a gold rush. The White Cliffs Wagon Trail was where large ore wagons used to transport ore down from the mines into the railroad. When the mining operation was at its peak, many businesses popped up along the trail to reserve the miners. One of which is the Old Trails Tavern where miners went to relax after a day of hard work. The most notable feature of the trail is the deep grooves that were made by the wagon wheels which can still be seen to this day. The trail is a few minutes’ drive from downtown Kingman.

Historic Route 66

This iconic stretch of paved road is like traveling back in time to the 1950s. The road was so iconic that it persists in popular culture even to this day. The historic stretch of road is lined with vintage gas stations, souvenir shops, and diners that harks back on the routes glory days. When you get there be sure to get our very own Arizona 66 Passport. This cute pamphlet is a travel guide complete with a map that shows all the notable landmarks. Another thing to check out is the various diners that line the road. These quirky diners offer a 1950s inspired many for you to try out. And lastly, a visit would not be complete without taking a selfie with the iconic Route 66 shield that is everywhere.

Beale Hotel

This iconic piece of Kingman history is perhaps one of the most recognizable landmarks in the area. Build in 1900, the hotel began as the primary lodging for the passengers of the Santa Fe railroad and, later on, the travelers of Route 66. In 1906, the hotel became the most prominent hotel in the area serving patrons who traveled on the Santa Fe line. Sadly, the hotel has long been abandoned and now sits empty for 20 ears. Fortunately, there are talks of restoring it to its former glory. If you want to visit this old beauty, it can be found at 325 E. Andy Devine Ave. in downtown Kingman.

Mohave Museum of History and Arts

If you want to learn more about the history of Kingman then the Mohave Museum of History and Arts is must-visit. Founded in 1961, this non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the rich history of Northwestern Arizona has thousands of artifacts and relics in their collection. This included old photographs, paintings, sculptures, and other pieces of art from within the region. The Museum is also home to Native American items on display such pottery, baskets and other artifacts. The Museum also has an extensive collection of memorabilia dedicated to the Andy Devine—a well known western actor who hails from Kingman. Outside the museum are larger displays like old mining machinery and a train caboose. The museum is located at 400 W. Beale Street in downtown Kingman.

Kingman Army Airfield

This old military base served as one of the major gunnery schools during World War II. Over 36,000 gunners trained and graduated from this training facility during its time. After the war, the compound was converted into a military storage depot where old military aircraft were stored and salvaged for raw materials. In 1948, it was released from military control and was opened for civilian use.

Locomotive Park

Trains have always been an important part of Kingman’s history. In fact, the town was established as a train stop for the Santa Fe railway by Lewis Kingman in the 1880s. Because of this, the city has established the park to honor the steam engine’s role in Kingman’s past. It houses the Locomotive 3759 and the caboose 999520 that once ran the Los Angeles-Kansas City line. Visitors can come and get a first-hand experience with the displays as visitors are allowed to climb aboard and explore the interior. The Locomotive Park is located at 310 W. Beale Street, Kingman, Arizona 86401 in downtown Kingman.

Bonelli House

This historic stone building was once the home of the Bonelli family, one of the prominent families in Kingman. The building that stands today was the second home o the family after the first one burned down. George Bonelli rebuilt their home using tufa stone from a local quarry. The Bonelli House is a treasure trove of original and donated antique furniture and artifacts. One of these artifacts is an 1890 Waterbury Regulator wall clock that, at one point, was loaned to the Santa Fe Railroad office. Another notable feature of the house is its kitchen which showcases the coal-fired kitchen stove and the 20-gallon water tank. The Bonelli’s are one of the few families who had hot and cold indoor plumbing at the time where the people had to manually pump water from outside wells. The house is located at 430 E. Spring Street in downtown Kingman.

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